Sunday 13 March 2011

Ooo first blog entry...

HAHAHA so completely forget I had even made this blog account thingy until I was reading Adam Langley's blog on fb like I do every time he posts something because he is amazing at this.
It's kind of late in the academic year for me to start writing a blog about my erasmus year but I might as well go for it. I'll summarise everything that has happened so far, lucky you...

Well seeing as there has been a massive fuck up with the conversion of the marks from the University of Salamanca to the University of Leicester I am having serious motivation issues. Basicially, even if I get 10/10 here in every single exam its only about 70% at Leicester which is gutting seeing as everything here is in SPANISH! So it kinda feels like whatever I do here I have completely ruined my grade average and therefore my degree. But on the bright side...

Pues, mi espaƱol es mejor que en septiembre!

I personally cannot believe the difference in the work load here. I need 60 ECTS credits so I had to take 5 courses last semester as well as language lessons ( my spanish was atrocious) and this semester I'm taking 6 courses. It's going to really piss me off if after all this work the Exam Board in Leicester discounts this year. Though I do now have a grounding in my dissertation topic, woooo.... ( I am determined to not hate my topic, unlike some people ahem JOE =D)

Anyway besides that, it is pretty fantastic to be studying in Salamanca. It is really beautiful. Even the faculty itself is just beautiful, which I never thought I would say. Still the Attenborough Tower has its merits = PATERNOSTER FTW! Was a bit weird being told by the police that I couldn't eat pizza in the Plaza Mayor, it is basically like eating pizza sat next to the clock tower in Leicester it's just a bit warmer... Ok shit comparison but you get the absurdity.

I have met some really cool Americans here actually, unfortunately they are all religious but I won't hold that against them or ever bring up evolution. I don't know what I would do without En Vivo, I have lunch there on tuesdays and try to talk to people in Spanish, go to Cafe Ingles on wednesdays and this week I went to my first En Vivo. I understood most of it, it was about reading the Bible, which I think I did in primary school but I cannot recall it. Something about a guy who was in prison but there was an earthquake and the prison door sprang open... 

Laura, Matthew, Chris, Hernan, Joan, Ainslie, Lorena, Miriam, Jesse, Sarah etc have saved my life, first few weeks of Erasmus were miserable until I actually met people and talked to some spanish classmates. There are still a lot of people in my university residence who don't talk to me but to be honest I don't talk to them either, I find banal chit chat with spanish people terrifying, what do I say?!

But now I occasionally go out with Spanish people or Kristina (who has just left) or my new friends Saerah and Aisling. Cannot miss the British party at the Irish! Or the Six Nations rugby.Yeah and I even started playing World of Warcraft, gives me something to do when everybody else is going out and I feel like being a miserable fuck! I am now a level 53 combat rogue called Shaelin, yeah if your on the Spinebreaker server talk to me =D

I really cannot find anything else to moan about right now =P Plus I have a riveting text commentary on William Marshal to write.

Next time I'll be more cheerful YAY...